

Lewis Short

ăvuncŭlus (noun M) : (AVOMCVLVS and AVONCLVS, Fabr. Gloss. p. 227, a), , dim. avus; cf. Lith. avynas, uncle
* A mother's brother, maternal uncle (a brother of the father, patruus).
* Lit.
* In gen., Cic. de Or. 2, 84, 341; Verg. A. 3, 343; Plin. 5, 8, 6, § 20; Vulg. Gen. 28, 2; 29, 10: uxor patrui vel avunculi,ib. Lev. 20, 10; Isid. Orig. 9, 6, 17; cf. Dig. 38, 10, 10 P.—Hence
* Transf., the husband of the mother's sister, Sen. Cons. ad Helv. 17.
* Avunculus magnus, a grandmother's brother (aviae frater), great-uncle, Cic. Brut. 62, 222; Dig. 38, 10, 1; 38, 10, 10; Isid. Orig. 9, 16, 26.
* Avunculus major, a brother of the great-grandmother, greatgreat-uncle (proaviae frater), Dig. l. l. (in Isid. Orig. l. l., proavunculus).
* Avunculus maximus, a brother of the great-greatgrandmother (abaviae frater), Dig. l. l. (in Isid. Orig. l. l., abavunculus).—In the histt. sometimes avunculus major = avunculus magnus, brother of the grandmother, Vell. 2, 59; Suet. Aug. 7; id. Claud. 3; and avunculus absol. = avunculus major, Tac. A. 2, 43; 2, 53; 4, 75.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary


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