Lewis Short
(v. a.P. a.adv.) : at-tĕro (adt-, Dietsch), trīvi, trītum, 3, v. a. (
* Perf. inf. atteruisse, Tib. 1, 4, 48; cf. Vell. Long. p. 2234 P.), to rub one thing against another; hence, in gen., to rub away, wear out or diminish by rubbing, to waste, wear away, weaken, impair, exhaust.
* Lit. (most freq. after the Aug. per.; in Cic. only once as P. a.; v.infra): insons Cerberus leniter atterens caudam, rubbing against or upon (sc. Herculi), * Hor. C. 2, 19, 30: asinus spinetis se scabendi causā atterens,Plin. 10, 74, 95, § 204: aures, * Plaut. Pers. 4, 9, 11 (cf. antestor): bucula surgentes atterat herbas,tramples upon,Verg. G. 4, 12: opere insuetas atteruisse manus,Tib. 1, 4, 48; so Prop. 5, 3, 24, and Plin. 2, 63, 63, § 158; so, dentes usu atteruntur,id. 7, 16, 15, § 70: attrivit sedentis pedem,Vulg. Num. 22, 25: vestem,Dig. 23, 3, 10; Col. 11, 2, 16; Cels. praef.: vestimenta,Vulg. Deut. 29, 5; ib. Isa. 51, 6.—Poet., of sand worn by the water flowing over it: attritas versabat rivus harenas,Ov. M. 2, 456.
* Trop., to destroy, waste, weaken, impair: postquam utrimque legiones item classes saepe fusae fugataeque et alteri alteros aliquantum adtriverant,Sall. J. 79, 4: magna pars (exercitūs) temeritate ducum adtrita est,id. ib. 85, 46: Italiae opes bello,id. ib. 5, 4; so Tac. H. 1, 10; 1, 89; 2, 56; Curt. 4, 6 fin.; cf. Sil. 2, 392 Drak.: nec publicanus atterit (Germanos),exhausts, drains,Tac. G. 29: famam atque pudorem,Sall. C. 16, 2: et vincere inglorium et atteri sordidum arbitrabatur,and to suffer injury in his dignity,Tac. Agr. 9 Rupert.: eo tempore, quo praecipue alenda ingenia atque indulgentiā quādam enutrienda sunt, asperiorum tractatu rerum atteruntur,are enfeebled,Quint. 8, prooem. 4: filii ejus atterentur egestate,Vulg. Job, 20, 10: Nec res atteritur longo sufflamine litis,Juv. 16, 50.— Hence, attrītus, a, um, P. a., rubbed off, worn off or away, wasted.
* Lit.
* In gen.: ut rictum ejus (simulacri) ac mentum paulo sit attritius, * Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 43: ansa,Verg. E. 6, 17: vomer,worn bright,id. G. 1, 46; cf. Juv. 8, 16 Rupert.: caelaturae,Plin. 33, 12, 55, § 157; Petr. 109, 9.
* Trop.: attrita frons, a shameless, impudent face (lit. a smooth face, to which shame no longer clings; cf. perfrico), Juv. 13, 242 Rupert.; so, domus Israël attritā fronte,Vulg. Ezech. 3, 7.—Sup. and adv. not used.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary