Lewis Short
(verb) : as-sĭdĕo (ads-, Fleck., Kayser, Rib., Merk., Halm, Weissenb.; both, K. and H.), sēdi, sessum, 2, sedeo
* To sit by or near a person or thing (syn. assido).
* Lit.
* In gen.: qui apud carbones adsident,Plaut. Rud. 2, 6, 48: in Tiburti forte adsedimus ego et Marcus filius,Cic. de Or. 2, 55, 224: non adsidens et attente audiens,id. Brut. 55, 200.
* Transf.
* To sit, stand, or be at one's side, as attendant, aid, protector; absol. or with dat.: cum lacrimans in carcere mater noctes diesque adsideret,Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 43: principes Macedoniae hujus (Plancii) periculo commoti huic adsident, pro hoc laborant,id. Planc. 11 fin.: cum Pompeius P. Lentulo consuli frequens adsideret,id. Pis. 32, 80: qui (nobilium adulescentes) ibi adsidebant,Liv. 9, 46, 9: Ut assidens inplumibus pullis avis Serpentium adlapsus timet,Hor. Epod. 1, 19: adsidens foribus,Vulg. Sap. 6, 15; ib. 1 Macc. 11, 40; ib. Act. 26, 30.—Hence, in judic. lang., t. t., to aid, assist one in the office of judge, to be an assessor (cf. assessor): rarus in tribunali Caesaris Piso, et si quando adsideret, atrox ac dissentire manifestus,Tac. A. 2, 57; Dig. 1, 22, 2; 1, 22, 3; 1, 22, 6 al.
* Of the sick, to attend upon, take care of: adsidet aegrae,Ov. H. 20, 137: Adsidet una soror,Prop. 5, 3, 41: si alius casus lecto te adflixit, habes qui Adsideat, fomenta paret, medicum roget, etc., Hor. S. 1, 1, 82; Plin. Ep. 7, 19: adsidente amantissimā uxore,Tac. Agr. 45: adsidere valetudini,id. ib.
* To be busily, assiduously engaged about a thing: litteris,Plin. Ep. 3, 5, 19: gubernaculis,to attend to, to mind,id. Pan. 81 fin.
* Of a place, to station one's self before; and more freq. in a hostile sense, to be encamped before, sit down before, besiege, blockade; constr. with dat. or acc.; also pass.: adsidere sepultae urbis ruinis,Tac. H. 3, 35: prope moenia Romana adsidere,Liv. 26, 22: moenibus adsidet hostis,Verg. Cir. 267; Liv. 23, 19; 21, 25; Curt. 4, 3; Tac. H. 2, 22 al.: cum muros adsidet hostis,Verg. A. 11, 304: adsidendo castellum,Tac. A. 6, 43: arces,Sil. 9, 623: adsidebat oppugnabatque oppidum,Gell. 7, 1, 8: Amisumque adsideri audiebat, Sall. H. Fragm. ap. Prisc. p. 830 P. (IV. 8 Gerl.): adsessos Capuae muros,Sil. 12, 453.—*
* Poet., to be near one in qualities, i. e. to be like, to resemble (in prose, instead of it, accedo; opp. dissideo, q. v.): parcus Adsidet insano,Hor. Ep. 1, 5, 14 (sedet stulto proximus eique simillimus est, Crucq.; cf. in Gr. ἐγγὺς εἶναί τινι.—Acc. to Schmid the figure is drawn from the sitting together of similar classes in the theatre).
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary