Lewis Short
(adjective) : antīquārĭus, a, um, antiquus
* Pertaining to antiquity.
* Adj.: ars,the art of reading and copying ancient MSS.,Hier. Ep. ad Flor. 5, 1.—Hence
* Subst.: antīquārĭus, ii, m.
* One that is fond of or employs himself about antiquities, an antiquarian, antiquary (post-Aug.): nec quemquam adeo antiquarium puto, ut, etc.,Tac. Or. 21; * Suet. Aug. 86.—Also * antī-quārĭa, ae, f., she that is fond of antiquity, a female antiquarian, Juv. 6, 454.
* One that understands reading and copying ancient MSS., Cod. Th. 4, 8, 2; Aus. Ep. 16 al.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary