Lewis Short
(adjective) : ambŭlātōrĭus, a, um, ambulator
* That moves about (rare; never in Cic.); hence
* Of machines which can be moved to and fro. movable: praeterea alias (so. turres) ambulatorias totidem tabulatorum confixerant, movable towers with an equal number of stories, Auct. B. Alex. 2 Moeb.; Vitr. 10, 19; Plin. 21, 14, 47, § 80.—Hence, trop., of the will, wavering, fickle, changeable: voluntas,Dig. 24, 1, 32; and of other things: actio,a cause that passes from one to another,Cod. Just. 6, 2, 22.—*
* Suitable for walking in: porticus,Dig. 8, 5, 8.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary