Lewis Short
(v. a.P. a.adv.) : af-flīgo (better adf-), ixi, ictum, 3, v. a. (afflixint = afflixerint, Front. ad M. Caes. 3, 3).
* Lit., to strike or beat a thing to some point, to cast or throw down or against, to dash, somewhere by striking; esp. of ships which are driven or cast away by the wind. —Constr. with ad or dat.: te ad terram, scelus, adfligam,I will dash thee to the earth,Plaut. Pers. 5, 2, 15, and id. Rud. 4, 3, 71: nolo equidem te adfligi,id. Most. 1, 4, 19: statuam,to throw down, overthrow,Cic. Pis. 38; so, monumentum,id. Cael. 32: domum, id. pro Dom. 40: (alces) si quo adflictae casu conciderint, Caes. B. G. 6, 27: infirmas arbores pondere adfligunt,id. ib.: tempestas naves Rhodias adflixit, ita ut, etc.,dashed them about, shattered them,id. B. C. 3, 27.—So in descriptions of a battle: equi atque viri adflicti, etc.,Sall. J.101,11: ubi scalae comminutae, qui supersteterant, adflicti sunt,were thrown down,id. ib. 60, 7: ubi Mars communis et victum saepe erigeret et adfligeret victorem,Liv. 28, 19: imaginem solo,Tac. H. 1, 41: caput saxo,to dash against,id. A. 4, 45: aquila duos corvos adflixit et ad terram dedit,Suet. Aug. 96 Ruhnk.; so id. Dom. 23.— Poet., Ov. M. 12, 139; 14, 206; Sil. 9, 631.
* Fig.
* To ruin, weaken, cast down, prostrate: cum prospero flatu ejus (fortunae) utimur, ad exitus pervehimur optatos; et cum reflavit, adfligimur,Cic. Off. 2, 6: virtus nostra nos adflixit,has ruined,id. Fam. 14, 4; id. Sest. 7: Pompeius ipse se adflixit,id. Att. 2, 19: senectus enervat et adfligit homines,id. Sen. 70: opes hostium,Liv. 2, 16: aliquem bello,id. 28, 39: Othonianas partes,Tac. H. 2, 33: amicitias,Suet. Tib. 51; so id. Aug. 66 et saep.
* To reduce, lower, or lessen in value (syn. minuo): hoc oratoris esse maxime proprium, rem augere posse laudando, vituperandoque rursus adfligere,to bring down,Cic. Brut. 12.—Trop., of courage, to cast down, dishearten, to diminish, lessen, impair: animos adfligere et debilitare metu,Cic. Tusc. 4, 15, 34.
* Adfligere causam susceptam, to let a lawsuit which has been undertaken fall through, to give up, abandon, Cic. Sest. 41, 89.—Hence, afflictus (adf-), a, um, P. a.
* Cast down, ill used, wretched, miserable, unfortunate, distressed; lit. and trop.: naves,damaged, shattered,Caes. B. G. 4, 31: Graecia perculsa et adflicta et perdita,Cic. Fl. 7: ab adflictā amicitiā transfugere et ad florentem aliam devolare,id. Quint. 30: non integra fortuna, at adflicta,id. Sull. 31: adflictum erigere,id. Imp. Pomp. 29.—Comp.: adflictiore condicione esse,id. Fam. 6,1; hence: res adflictae (like accisae and adfectae),disordered, embarrassed, ruined circumstances, affairs in a bad state, ill condition,Sall. J. 76, 6; so Luc. 1, 496; Just. 4, 5: copiae,Suet. Oth. 9.
* Fig.
* Of the mind: cast down, dejected, discouraged, desponding: aegritudine adflictus, debilitatus, jacens,Cic. Tusc. 4, 16: luctu,id. Phil. 9, 5: maerore,id. Cat. 2, 1: adflictus vitam in tenebris luctuque trahebam,Verg. A. 2, 92; Suet. Oth. 9.
* Of character, like abjectus, abandoned, outcast, depraved, low, mean, base, vile: homo adflictus et perditus,Cic. Phil. 3, 10: nemo tam adflictis est moribus, quin, etc.,Macr. S. 6, 7.—Sup. and adv. not used.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary