Lewis Short

(v. dep.P. a.) : ădūlor, ātūs, 1, v. dep.acc. to Lobeck, the -ulo, -ulor is connected with ἴλλειν (cf. εἰλύω, ἐλύω, and volvo), and thus denoted orig. the wagging of the tail and fawning of brutes; Fest. p. 21 Müll., thought adulor was a form of adludo, to play with; cf. Ger. wedeln and Eng. to wheedle
* To cling to one fawningly, to fawn as a dog; and trop., of cringing flattery, which is exhibited in words and actions, to flatter in a cringing manner, to fawn upon (while assentari signified to yield to one in everything, to assent to what he says, and is used only of men; and blandiri, to be soft and pleasing in manner, to flatter by honeyed words as well as by captivating manners; cf. Cic. Lael. 25).— Constr. with acc., more rarely with dat., Rudd. II. p. 136; Zumpt, § 389.
* In gen.: ferarum Agmen adulantum,Ov. M. 14, 45: Quin etiam blandas movere per aëra caudas, Nostraque adulantes comitant vestigia,id. ib. 14, 257. caudam more adulantium canum blande movet, Gell. 5, 14: hi (canes) furem quoque adulantur,Col. 7, 12.—Meton.: horrentem, trementem, adulantem omnīs videre te volui: vidi,Cic. Pis. 41: aperte adulantem nemo non videt,id. Lael. 26: aut adulatus aut admiratus fortunam sum alterius,id. Div. 2, 2, 6; Liv 45, 31: quemcunque principem,Tac. H. 1, 32: Neronem aut Tigellium,id. A. 16, 19: dominum, Sen. de Ira, 2, 31; Nep., Liv., and Curt. have the dat.: Antonio, Nep. Att. 8: praesentibus,Liv. 36, 7: singulis,Curt. 4, 1, 19.—In the time of Quint. the use of the dat. was predominant: huic non hunc adulari jam dicitur, 9, 3, 1; yet Tac. preferred the acc., v. the passages cited above.
* Esp. of the servile reverence paid to Asiatic kings, προσκυνεῖν; cf. adulatio: more adulantium procubuerunt: conveniens oratio tam humili adulationi fuit,Liv. 30, 16: more Persarum,Val. Max. 4, 7, ext. 2; so id. ib. 6, 3, ext. 2.—Hence, ădū-lans, antis, P. a., flattering, adulatory: verba,Plin. Pan. 26: quid adulantius?Tert. adv. Marc. 1, 27.—Sup. is wanting.—* Adv.: ădūlanter, flatteringly, fawningly, Fulg. Contin. Verg. p. 153.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary


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