Lewis Short

ăcerra (noun F) : etym. unc., perh. from ăcer = maple
* A casket in which was kept the incense used in sacrifices, esp. in burning the dead, an incense-box: ne sumptuosa respersio, ne longae coronae, nec acerrae praetereantur, from the XII. Tab. ap. Cic. Leg. 2, 24, 60: plenā veneratur larem,Verg. A. 5, 745; cf.: plena turis,Hor. C. 3, 8, 2; tacitā libabit acerrā,Pers. 2, 5; so also Ov. M. 13, 703; id. Pont. 4, 8, 39; Fratr. Arval. in Orell. I. L. 2270, p. 391 al. Cf. Fest. s. h. v. p. 18 Müll, who gives another signif.:  ̏ACERRA, ara, quae ante mortuum poni solebat.˝
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary


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See also: Acerra