Lewis Short
ăbortus | abortum, i (noun M.n) : m. (, , n., Dig. 29, 2, 30; cf. Paul. ex Fest. p. 29 Müll.) [aborior]
* An abortion, miscarriage.
* Lit.: dicam abortum esse,Ter. Hec. 3, 3, 38: Tertullae nollem abortum,had not miscarried,Cic. Att. 14, 20, 2: abortum facere,to suffer abortion, miscarry,Plin. Ep. 8, 10, 1; but also, to produce or cause abortion, Plin. 14, 18, 22, § 118; 21, 18, 69, § 116 al.
* Meton., of plants, Plin. 12, 2, 6, § 13.—*
* Trop., of writings, an unfinished piece, Plin. praef. § 28.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary