Lewis Short
(adjective) : Tullĭus, i, m.; Tullĭa, ae, f.
* The name of a Roman gens. Esp.
* Servius Tullius, the sixth king of Rome, Liv. 1, 41 sqq.
* M. Tullius Cicero, the renowned statesman and orator.
* Q. Tullius Cicero, his brother.
* M. Tullius Tiro, a freedman of M. Cicero.
* Fem. Tullia, a daughter of king Servius Tullius, and wife of Tarquinius Superbus.—Also
* A daughter of M. Tullius Cicero.—Hence, Tullĭā-nus, a, um, , of or belonging to a Tullius, Tullian: semis,Cic. Att. 15, 29, 1: caput,id. ib. 15, 26, 4: Scipio, i. e. introduced in Cicero's Somnium Scipionis, Macr. Somn. Scip. 1, 1.—Subst.: Tullĭānum, i, n., the dungeon of the state-prison in Rome, built by king Servius Tullius, Varr. L. L. 5, § 151 Müll.; Sall. C. 55, 3 sq.; Liv. 29, 22, 10; cf. Becker, Antiq. 1, p. 262 sq.—Adv.: Tullĭānē, in the manner of M. Tullius Cicero: jocari, Aug. contr. Pelag. 2, 10, 37.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary