


Proper name
  • TERE′NTIUS. 1. C. Terentius Arsa, called Terentillus by Livy, tribune of the plebs, B. C. 462, proposed that five commissioners should be appointed to draw up a body of laws to define the consular imperium. (Liv. iii. 9; Dionys. x. 1.) 2. Q. Terentius, was sent by the senate, along with M. Antistius, to bring back the consul C. Flaminius to the city, but he refused to obey their summons. (Liv. xxi. 63.) 3. L. Terentius Massaliota, plebeian aedile. B. C. 200, and praetor B. C. 187, when he obtained Sicily as his province. (Liv. xxxi. 50, xxxviii. 42.) 4. L. Terentius, one of the ambassadors sent to king Antiochus in B. C. 196. (Liv. xxxiii. 35.) 5. C. Terentius Istra, praetor B. C. 182, obtained Sardinia as his province. In the following year he was one of the triumviri for founding a colony at Graviscae. (Liv. xxxix. 56, xi. 1, 29.) 6. L. Terentius Massaliota, probably a son of No. 3, was tribunus militum in B. C. 180. (Liv xl. 35.) 7. P. Terentius Tuscivanus, one of the ambassadors sent into Illyricum in B. C. 167. (Liv. xlv. 18.) 8. Terentius Vespa, one of whose witticisms is quoted by Cicero in his De Oratore (ii. 61). 9. L. Terentius, was the companion and tentmate of Cn. Pompeius, when the latter was serving under his father Strabo in B. C. 87, and was bribed by Cinna to kill Pompeius. (Plut. Pomp. 3.) 10. Cn. Terentius, a senator, into vviiose custody Caeparius, one of the Catilinarian conspirators, was given. (Sall. Cat. 47.) 11. P. Terentius Hispo, a friend of Cicero, was promagister of the company of publicani, who farmed the taxes in Asia. Cicero recommended him in a letter to P. Silius. (Cic. ad Att. xi. 10, ad Fam. xiii. 65.) 12. Ser. Terentius, was a friend of D. Brutus, whom he pretended to be on the flight from Mutina, B. C. 43, in order to save the life of his friend; but he was recognised by the officer of Antony's cavalry, and preserved from death. (Val. Max. iv. 7. §6.) 13. M. Terentius, a Roman eques, was accused, in A. D. 32, on account of his having been a friend of Sejanus. He defended himself with great courage, and was acquitted. (Tac. Ann. vi. 8, 9.) 14. Terentius Lentinus, a Roman eques, was privy to the forgery of Valerius Fabianus, and was in consequence condemned in A. D. 61. (Tac. Ann. xiv. 40.) 15. Terentius, was said by some persons to have been the murderer of the emperor Galba. (Tac. Hist. i. 41; Plut. Galb. 27.) (Wikisource | public domain)
  • TERE′NTIUS CLEMENS. [Clemens.] (Wikisource | public domain)
  • TERE′NTIUS SCAURUS. [Scaurus.] (Wikisource | public domain)
  • P. TERE′NTIUS AFER, was the second and the last of the Roman comic poets, of whose works more than fragments are preserved. The few particulars of his life were collected long after his decease, and are of very doubtful authority. It would therefore be to little purpose to repeat them without scrutiny or comment. We shall, in the first place, inquire who were the biographers of Terence, what they relate of him, and the consistency and credibility of their several accounts. We shall next briefly survey the comedies themselves, their reception at the time, their influence on dramatic literature, their translators and imitators, their commentators and bibliography. Our knowledge of Terence himself is derived principally from the life ascribed to Donatus or Suetonius, and from two scanty memoirs, or collections of Scholia, the one published in the seventeenth century, by Abraham Gronovius, from an Oxford MS., and the other by Angelo Mai, from a MS. in the Vatican. The life of Terence, printed in the Milan edition of Petrarch's works 1476, is merely a comment on Donatus. Of these, the first mentioned is the longest and most particular. It is nevertheless a meagre and incongruous medley, which, for its barrenness, may be ascribed to Donatus, and for its scandal to Suetonius. But it cites still earlier writers,—C. Nepos, Fenestella, Porcius, Santra, Volcatius, and Q. Cosconius. Of these Nepos is the best known, and perhaps the most trustworthy. His contemporaries deemed him a sound antiquarian (Catull. i. 1), and his historical studies had trained him to examine facts and dates. (Gell. XV. 48.) Of Fenestella, more voluminous than accurate, we have already given some account [Vol. II. p. 145]. Q. Cosconius was probably the grammarian cited by Varro (L. L. vi. 36, 89), Porcius, the Porcius Licinius, a satirical and seemingly libellous versifier, mentioned by Gellius (xvii. 21, xix. 19), and Volcatius was the Volcatius Sedigitus quoted by the same author (xv. 24). Santra is enumerated by St. Jerome (Vit. Script. Eccles.) among the Latin compilers of Memoirs; he wrote also a treatise De Antiquitate Verborum, cited frequently by Festus. Such writers are but indifferent vouchers for either facts or dates, whether from their living so long after the poet's age, or from the character of their testimony. In the following account we interweave our comment with their text. (Wikisource | public domain)
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (ed. William Smith 1870), Wikisource | public domain

Lewis Short

(adj.adj.) : Tĕrentĭus, i, m.; Tĕrentĭa, ae, f.
* Terence, the name of a Roman gens
* P. Terentius After, the celebrated comic poet, born at Carthage A. U. C. 569, Cic. Fam. 13, 35, 1; Suet. Vit. Ter.
* M. Terentius Varro, a celebrated schotar, an elder contemporary and friend of Cicero, Gell. 13, 10, 6; Plin. 35, 14, 49.
* Tĕ-rentĭus, a, um, adj., of or belonging to a Terentius, Terentian: Terentia et Cassia lex frumentaria,Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 21, § 52.
* Tĕrentĭānus, a, um, adj., of Terence, Terentian: Chremes,i. e. occurring in the poet Terence,Cic. Fin. 1, 1, 3; so, Phormio, id. Fragm. ap. Quint. 6, 3, 56: Terentianus ipse se puniens,i. e. the Heautontimoroumenos,id. Tusc. 3, 27, 65: verbum,id. Lael. 24, 89: exercitus,commanded by M Terentius Varro,Liv. 23, 32, 16.
* Tĕ-rentilla, ae, f.dim. of Terentia, Aug. ap. Suet. Aug. 69.
* Subst.: Tĕrentĭā-nus, i, m., a proper name. L. Terentianus Maurus, a grammarian at the close of the first century after Christ, author of a metrical work.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary


Male Personal name
Confirmed occurences in the Roman Empire:
  • Hedius Lollianus Terentius Gentianus (Masc, senator), ref: PIR H 0037 | PIR ID6800
  • Q. Ranius Terentius Honoratianus Festus (Masc, senator), ref: PIR R 0025 | PIR ID11355
  • Terentius (Masc), ref: PIR T1 0047 | PIR ID12960
  • M. Terentius (Masc), ref: PIR T1 0048 | PIR ID12961
  • Terentius (Masc), ref: Gorres, !???!, 10 (1884) 420-423 | PIR ID12962
  • ... Terentius ... (Masc), ref: III 1128 | PIR ID12963
  • L. Terentius (Masc), ref: Plin. nat. 7, 163 | PIR ID12964
  • Terentius ... (Masc, senator), ref: AE 1997, 1300 | PIR ID12965
  • Terentius Africanus (Masc, senator), ref: PIR T1 0049 | PIR ID12966
  • M. Terentius Albius (Masc), ref: FGrHist 2, 157 fr. 37 | PIR ID12967
  • Terentius Alexander (Masc, eques), ref: PIR T1 0050 | PIR ID12968
  • L. Terentius Aquila Grattianus (Masc, senator), ref: PIR T1 0051 | PIR ID12969
  • Terentius Clemens (Masc), ref: PIR T1 0052 | PIR ID12970
  • Q. Terentius Culleo (Masc, senator), ref: PIR T1 0053 | PIR ID12971
  • Q. Terentius Culleo (Masc, senator), ref: PIR T1 0054 | PIR ID12972
  • Terentius Gentianus (Masc, senator), ref: PIR T1 0055 | PIR ID12973
  • D. Terentius Gentianus (Masc, senator), ref: PIR T1 0056 | PIR ID12974
  • Terentius Hispo (Masc, senator), ref: AE 1982, 403 | PIR ID12975
  • L. Terentius Homullus Iunior Cn. L. Terentius Homullus Iunior (Masc, senator), ref: PIR T1 0057 | PIR ID12976
  • L. Terentius Homullus Iunior Cn. L. Terentius Homullus Iunior (Masc, senator), ref: PIR T1 0057 | PIR ID12976
  • Q. Terentius Ingenuus (Masc), ref: III 4359 | PIR ID12977
  • C. Terentius Iulianus Sabinianus (Masc), ref: AE 1966, 512 | PIR ID12978
  • L. Terentius Iunianus (Masc), ref: XV 7552 | PIR ID12979
  • C. Terentius Iunior (Masc), ref: PIR T1 0058 | PIR ID12980
  • Terentius Lentinus (Masc), ref: PIR T1 0059 | PIR ID12981
  • Terentius Marcianus (Masc, eques), ref: IGR 3, 434, cf. T1 0049 | PIR ID12982
  • Terentius Maximus (Masc), ref: PIR T1 0060 | PIR ID12983
  • Terentius Maximus (Masc, eques), ref: PIR T1 0061 | PIR ID12984
  • Terentius Musaeus (Masc), ref: D. 1208 | PIR ID12985
  • Terentius Priscus (Masc), ref: PIR T1 0062 | PIR ID12986
  • Terentius Priscus (Masc), ref: PIR T1 0063 | PIR ID12987
  • A. Terentius Priscus (Masc, senator), ref: VI 41232a | PIR ID12988
  • A. Terentius Pudens (Masc, senator), ref: PIR T1 0064 | PIR ID12989
  • A. Terentius Pudens Uttedianus (Masc, senator), ref: PIR T1 0065 | PIR ID12990
  • Terentius Rufus (Masc), ref: PIR T1 0066 | PIR ID12991
  • L. Terentius Rufus (Masc), ref: II 2424 | PIR ID12992
  • Q. Terentius Rufus Q. Hedius Lollianus Terentius Rufus (Masc, senator), ref: PIR T1 0067 | PIR ID12993
  • Q. Terentius Rufus Q. Hedius Lollianus Terentius Rufus (Masc, senator), ref: PIR T1 0067 | PIR ID12993
  • D. Terentius Scaurianus (Masc, senator), ref: PIR T1 0068 | PIR ID12994
  • Terentius Scaurinus (Masc), ref: PIR T1 0069 | PIR ID12995
  • Terentius Scaurinus (Masc), ref: PIR T1 0070 | PIR ID12996
  • Q. Terentius Scaurus (Masc), ref: PIR T1 0071 | PIR ID12997
  • Q. Terentius Scaurus (Masc, eques), ref: AE 1908, 232 | PIR ID12998
  • Terentius Strabo Erucius Homullus (Masc, senator), ref: PIR T1 0072 | PIR ID12999
  • M. Terentius Terentianus (Masc), ref: N. Vuli%/c (1931) 535 | PIR ID13000
  • C. Terentius Tullius Geminus (Masc, senator), ref: PIR T1 0073 | PIR ID13001
  • Terentius Valerianus (Masc), ref: AE 1924, 3 | PIR ID13002
  • M. Terentius Varro (Masc, senator), ref: De Laet 374 | PIR ID13003
  • C. Terentius Varro (Masc), ref: AE 1964, 30 | PIR ID13004
  • M. Terentius Varro (Masc, senator), ref: IG 12, 2, 35 | PIR ID13005
  • T. Terentius Varro Faustus (Masc, senator), ref: Cavallaro/Walser Iscrizioni Augusta Praetoria (1988) 86-87 n. 34 | PIR ID13006
  • A. Terentius Varro Murena (Masc, senator), ref: PIR T1 0074 | PIR ID13007
  • Cn. L. Terentius Homullus Iunior (Masc, senator), ref: S. Panciera Rend. Pont. Ac. Arch. 43, 1970-71, 109 ff. = Scritti, 2006, 183 ff. | PIR ID14925
Prosopographia Imperii Romani