Lewis Short

(adj.adj.) : Sălŏmon (Sŏlŏmon), ōnis, m., = Σαλωμών, Σαλομών, Σολομών []
* Solomon, son of David, Prud. Hamart. 581; Juvenc. 2, 717; Alcim. 6, 387; Lact. 4, 16. —Hence
* Sălŏmōnĭus (Sŏlŏm-), a, um, adj., of or belonging to Solomon, Solomon's: templum,Lact. 4, 13 fin.; also called saxa,Prud. Apoth. 512.
* Să-lŏmōnĭăcus, a, um, adj. (poet.), of Solomon, Solomon's: templum, Sid. poët. Ep. 4, 18; Ven. Carm. 1, 11, 1.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary


Personal name
Confirmed occurences in the Byzantine time:
Prosopographie der mittelbyzantinischen Zeit, BBAW