Lewis Short
(adjective) : Raurăci (Raurĭci, Plin. 4, 17, 31, § 106), ōrum, m.
* A people of Gaul, on the Rhine, neighbors of the Helvetians, near Basle, Caes. B. G. 1, 5; 6, 25; 7, 75.—Hence
* Raurăcum, i, n., the city of the Rauraci, now Augst, near Basle, Amm. 14, 10, 6: Rauriaca colonia, Plin. l. l.; also called Raurĭcum, id. 4, 12, 24, § 79: RAVRICA,Inscr. Orell. 432.
* Raurăcus, a, um, , of or belonging to the Rauraci: colonia Rauraca = Rauracum,Plin. 4, 17, 31, § 106 (al. Rauriaca).
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary