Lewis Short
(adjective) : Quintĭlĭus (Quinct-), i, m., Quin-tĭlĭa (Quinct-), ae, f.
* The name of a Roman gens. Thus
* Quintilius Varus, proconsul of Syria, afterwards commander of the Romans in Germany, defeated by Arminius, Vell. 2, 117, 2; Suet. Tib. 17; Tac. A. 1, 3; Flor. 4, 12.
* Quintĭ-lĭānus, a, um, , of or belonging to a Quintilius, Quintilian: Luperci, Paul. ex Fest. s. v. faviani, p. 87 Müll.; cf. id. ib. 257.
* Fem. Quintilia, Cat. 96, 7.—Hence
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary