Lewis Short

(adjective) : Pylădes, ae and is, m., = Πυλάδης.
* Son of King Strophius, celebrated as the friend of Orestes, Cic. Lael. 7, 24; id. Fin. 2, 24, 79; Ov. Tr. 1, 9, 28; id. P. 3, 2, 70; 85; Hor. S. 2, 3, 139; Hyg. Fab. 119 and 120.— Transf., for a faithful friend, Ov. R. Am. 589.—Dat. Pyladi, Mart. 6, 11.—Hence
* Pylădēus, a, um, , Pyladean; transf., for very faithful, very tender: amicitia,Cic. Fin. 2, 26, 84.
* A celebrated paniomimist from Cilicia, under Augustus, Suet. Aug. 45; Sen. Excerpt. cont. 3 praef.; Macr. S. 2, 7.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary


Male Personal name
Confirmed occurences in the Roman Empire:
  • P. Aelius Pylades (Masc), ref: PIR A 0239 (= P1 0814) | PIR ID856
  • L. Aurelius Pylades Theocritus (Masc), ref: PIR A 1590 (= P1 0815) | PIR ID2660
  • Pylades (Masc), ref: PIR P 1093 | PIR ID11223
  • Pylades (Masc), ref: PIR P 1094 | PIR ID11224
  • Pylades (Masc), ref: PIR P 1095 | PIR ID11225
  • Pylades (Masc), ref: PIR P 1096 | PIR ID11226
  • Pylades (Masc), ref: PIR P 1097 | PIR ID11227
Prosopographia Imperii Romani