Lewis Short

(adjective) : Pygmaei, ōrum, m., = Πυγμαῖοι (qs. Fistlings, Tom Thumbs)
* The Pygmies, a fabulous dwarfish race of antiquity, especially in Africa; at war with the cranes, by whom they were constantly defeated, Mel. 3, 8, 8; Plin. 6, 30, 35, § 188; 4, 11, 18, § 44; 5, 29, 29, § 109; Gell. 9, 4, 10.—Hence
* Pyg-maeus, a, um, , Pygmoean: mater, i. e. the queen of the Pygmies, Gerane or Oenoe, Ov. M. 6, 90: sanguis,id. F. 6, 176: virgo,a female dwarf,Juv. 6, 505: bellator,id. 13, 167.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary