Lewis Short
Nŏvĭus, a
* The name of a Roman gens.
* Masc.
* Novius, a famous writer of Atellane plays, a contemporary of Pomponius, about A. U. C. 650-670: Novius probatissimus Atellanarum scriptor ait, etc.,Macr. S. 1, 10, 3; Cic. de Or. 2, 63, 255; 2, 69, 279; cf. Gell. 15, 13, 4; 17, 2, 8; Non. 81, 22 sq. et saep.—Hence, Nŏvĭānus, a, um, adj., of or belonging to Novius (the Atellane poet), Novian: oratiunculae, M. Aurel. ap. Front. Ep. ad M. Caes. 2, 13 Mai.: fullones,Tert. Pall. 4; v. fullo, I.
* Fem.: Nŏvĭa, ae, the wife of Oppianicus, Cic. Clu. 9, 27.
* Another Novius, Hor. S. 1, 6, 40 (perh. a fictitious name, i. q. Newcomer, Upstart).
* A fortune-hunter, Juv. 12, 111.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary