Lewis Short

Mĕrŭla (noun M) :
* A Roman surname, e. g.
* Cn. Cornelius Merula, Liv. 33, 55.
* L. Cornelius Merula, flamen Dialis, Vel. 2, 20; Val. Max. 9, 12, 5; Tac. A. 3, 58, 2.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary

Lewis Short

Mĕrŭla (noun M) :
* A river of Liguria, now Arosia, Plin. 3, 5, 7, § 48.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary


Male Personal name
Confirmed occurences in the Roman Empire:
  • Apidius Merula (Masc, senator), ref: PIR A 0916 | PIR ID1700
  • Moenatides Munatides Munatidius Merula (Masc, eques), ref: PIR M 0673 | PIR ID9363
  • Sex. Pompeius Merula (Masc), ref: D. 2483 cf. PIR2 vol. 6 p. 280 | PIR ID10711
  • L. Sempronius Merula Auspicatus (Masc, senator), ref: PIR S 0359 | PIR ID12077
Prosopographia Imperii Romani
See also: merula