Mĕlissus | Mĕlisseus (noun M) : Μέλισσος. * (Also called , = Μελισσεύς.) A king of Crete, father of Melissa and Amalthea, Lact. 1, 22, 19; ib. § 28. * A grammarian and comic poet, librarian to Augustus, Ov. P. 4, 16, 30; cf. Suet. Gram. 21. * A philosopher of Samos, Cic. Ac. 2, 37, 118.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary
Male Personal name Confirmed occurences in the Roman Empire:
Aelius Melissus (Masc), ref: PIR A 0222 | PIR ID820
Laevius Melissus (Masc), ref: PIR L 0072 | PIR ID8183
C. Maecenas Melissus (Masc), ref: PIR M 0038 | PIR ID8674