Lewis Short

Mĕgăra (noun F) :
* Wife of Hercules, whom, in his madness, he destroyed, together with her children, Hyg. Fab. 31.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary

Lewis Short

Mĕgăra (noun M) :
* A Numantine, Flor. 2, 18, 4.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary

Lewis Short

Mĕgăra | Mĕgăra, ōrum | Mĕgă-ra, ae (noun F.n.f) : f., and , , n. (
* Abl. plur. Megaribus for Megaris, Plaut. Pers. 1, 3, 57), = τὰ Μέγαρα.
* A city in the country of Megaris, the birthplace of Euclid.
* Fem., Cic. Div. 1, 27, 57; Mart. 11, 43, 6.
* F., a city of Sicily, Liv. 24, 30 sq.; Sil. 14, 273; Serv. ad Verg. E. 1, 55; v. Megaris, II.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary