Lewis Short

Măro (noun M) :
* A mountain in Sicily, near the river Himera, Plin. 3, 8, 14, § 88 (dub.; Jan., ad Maroneum et Gemellos colles).
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary

Lewis Short

Măro (noun M) : Μἀρων
* The companion and instructor of the youthful Bacchus: terra Thraeca, ubi Liberi fanum inclutum Maro locavit, Enn. ap. Varr. L. L. 5, 14 Müll. (Trag. Rel. v. 170 Vahl.); Fulg. Myth. 2, 15.
* Transf., v. l. Prop. 3, 30, 14 (al. leg. Anione), as the name of a statue beside a spring, prob. a Silenus (v. Herzb. Com. in Prop. 2, 32, 14).
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary

Lewis Short

Măro | Mă-rōnēus, a, um | Mărōnĭā-nus, a, um (noun M) : from root smar-, to be thoughtful; cf. memor
* The family name of the poet P. Vergilius, Lact. 1, 15, 12: ingenium sacri miraris abesse Maronis: Sint Maecenates, non deerunt, Flacce, Marones,Mart. 8, 56, 5: summus,id. 12, 4, 1: altisonus,Juv. 11, 180.—Transf., a statue of Virgil, Juv. 7, 227.—Hence
* Adj., of or belonging to the poet Virgil, Maronian, Virgilian: templum,Stat. S. 4, 4, 55.
* Adj., Maronian, Virgilian: culex,Stat. S. 2, 7, 74: stilus,Sid. Ep. 8, 1in carm.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary


Male Personal name
Confirmed occurences in the Roman Empire:
  • Aurelius Maro (Masc, eques), ref: AE 1978, 824 | PIR ID2601
  • C. Iulius Maro (Masc), ref: PIR I 0409 | PIR ID7609
  • Maro (Masc), ref: AE 1992, 1610 a-b. 1611 | PIR ID9002
  • P. Vergilius Maro (Masc), ref: PIR V1 0279 | PIR ID14189
Prosopographia Imperii Romani