Lewis Short

Mărīa (noun F) :
* A female proper name.
* Mary, the mother of Jesus (eccl. Lat.), Vulg. Matt. 2, 11: Marĭa,Prud. Psych. 88; id. Apoth. 643; Sedul. Car. Pasch. 2, 49: Marīa,id. Hymn. 1, 53; 54.
* Mary Magdalene, Vulg. Johan. 20, 1; Sedul. 4, 142.
* Mary of Bethany, sister of Lazarus and Martha, Vulg. Johan. 11, 1.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary

Lewis Short

Mărīa (noun F) :
* A town of the Parthians, Plin. 6, 25, 29, § 113.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary


Feminine Personal name
Confirmed occurences in the Roman Empire:
  • Claudia Maria Maxima Martia Secunda (Fem, senator), ref: PIR C 1107 | PIR ID4089
  • Maria Atticilla (Fem), ref: PIR M 0324a | PIR ID8942
  • Maria Aurelia Aureliana Violentilla (Fem, senator), ref: PIR M 0325 | PIR ID8943
  • Maria Casta (Fem), ref: PIR M 0326 | PIR ID8944
  • Maria Modia (Fem), ref: Raepsaet FOS 530 | PIR ID8950
  • Maria Passenia (Fem, senator), ref: PIR M 0326a | PIR ID8955
  • Maria Plancina (Fem), ref: PIR M 0327 (= P1 0333) | PIR ID8956
  • Maria Rufina (Fem, senator), ref: PIR M 0328 | PIR ID8957
  • Vibia Maria Maxima (Fem, senator), ref: PIR V1 0412 | PIR ID14337
  • Vibia Maria Maxima (Fem, senator), ref: PIR V1 0413 | PIR ID14338
  • Maria Lucina (Fem, eques), ref: E.A. Hemelrijk AC 75, 2006, 105 | PIR ID14853
Prosopographia Imperii Romani


Personal name
Confirmed occurences in the Byzantine time:
Prosopographie der mittelbyzantinischen Zeit, BBAW
See also: maria