

Lewis Short

Lȳsĭmăchus (noun M) : Λυσίμαχος
* One of the generals of Alexander the Great, afterwards king of Thrace, and founder of Lysimachia, Cic. Tusc. 1, 43, 102; 5, 40, 117; Plin. 8, 16, 61, § 143; Just. 17, 1.
* An Acarnanian, instructor of Alexander the Great, Just. 15, 3.
* The discoverer of the herb lysimachia, Plin. 25, 7, 35, § 72.
* The name of a man, Plaut. Merc. 2, 2, 41.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary


Male Personal name
Confirmed occurences in the Roman Empire:
  • Alexander Lysimachus (Masc), ref: PIR A 0510 | PIR ID1179
  • M. Flavius Antonius Lysimachus (Masc), ref: CIG 2785 | PIR ID5987
  • Iulius Lysimachus (Masc), ref: PIR I 0393 | PIR ID7592
  • Lysimachus (Masc), ref: Philo Alex. passim. | PIR ID8638
  • Cn. Valerius Lysimachus Claudius Valerius Lysimachus (Masc, eques), ref: RE Suppl. 14 (1974) 821 s.v. Valerius 224a | PIR ID13876
  • Cn. Valerius Lysimachus Claudius Valerius Lysimachus (Masc, eques), ref: RE Suppl. 14 (1974) 821 s.v. Valerius 224a | PIR ID13876
Prosopographia Imperii Romani