Lewis Short

Lĭbĭtīna (noun F) : libet, līber
* The goddess of corpses, in whose temple everything pertaining to burials was sold or hired out, and where the registers of deaths were kept.
* Lit.: triginta funerum milia in rationem Libitinae venerunt,were registered,Suet. Ner. 39.
* Transf.
* The requisites for burial, the apparatus of funerals: pestilentia tanta erat ut Libitina vix sufficeret,i. e. it was hardly possible to bury all the dead,Liv. 40, 19, 3: ne liberorum quidem funeribus Libitina sufficiebat,id. 41, 21, 6.
* Esp., a bier, a funeral pile: dum levis arsura struitur libitina papyro,Mart. 10, 97; Plin. 37, 3, 11, § 45.
* Death (poet.): multaque pars mei Vitabit Libitinam, Hor. C. 3, 30, 6; cf. id. S. 2, 6, 19: Libitinam evadere,Juv. 14, 122; Phaedr. 4, 18 fin.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary
See also: libitina