Lewis Short
Hercēus (noun M) = Ἑρκεῖος: (of or belonging to the court-yard)
* An epithet of Jupiter, as the protector of the house and its enclosure (pure Lat. Penetralis): Herceus Juppiter intra conseptum domus cujusque colebatur, quem etiam deum penetralem appellabant, Paul. ex Fest. p. 101 Müll. N. cr.; Hyg. F. 91; Sen. Agam. 469; cf. Serv. Verg. A. 2, 469: ara Hercei Jovis,Ov. Ib. 286 (al. Rhoetei).—Hence, also: Herceae arae,Luc. 9, 979 (dub.).
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary