Lewis Short
Hellē (noun F) : (
* Gen. Hellis, Sid. Carm. 9, 41), f., = Ἕλλη, daughter of Athamas and Nephele, sister of Phrixus; she fled with the latter from her step-mother Ino on a ram with a golden fleece to Colchis, but was drowned in the strait called, after her, Hellespontus (the sea of Helle), Ov. M. 11, 195; id. F. 3, 857 sq.; Prop. 2, 26, 5 (3, 21, 5 M.); 3 (4), 22, 5; Col. poët. 10, 155; Hyg. Fab. 2 and 3: Mater Helles,Ov. H. 19, 123.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary