Proper name: HECAERGE (Ἑκαέργη), a daughter of Boreas, and one of the Hyperborean maidens, who were believed to have introduced the worship of Artemis in Delos. (Callim. Hymn. in Del. 292; Paus. i. 43. §4, v. 7. §4; Herod. iv. 35.) The name Hecaerge signifies hitting at a distance; and it is not improbable that the story of the Hyperborean maiden may have arisen out of an attribute of Artemis, who bore the surname of Hecaerge. (Anton. Lib. 13.) Aphrodite had the same surname at Iulis in Cos. (Anton. Lib. 1.) (Wikisource | public domain)
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (ed. William Smith 1870), Wikisource | public domain

Lewis Short

Hĕcăergē (noun F) : Ἑκαέργη.
* The name of Diana, Serv. ad Verg. A. 11, 532.
* One of the daughters of Boreas, Claud. Laud. Stil. 3, 253 and 308.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary