Lewis Short

Bĕroea | Berrh-, i | Bĕroeaeus, ium | Beroeenses (noun F.m.m) : () (trisyl.), , , = Βέροια Β̔έρροια)
* A town in Macedonia, later called Irenopolis, north of the river Aliacmon, now Verria, Plin. 4, 10, 17, § 33; Liv. 44, 45, 2 and 5; 45, 29, 9; Cic. Pis. 36, 89. —Hence, , , , a Beroean, Liv 23, 39, 3 (al. Boeotius); 42, 58, 7; and , , , the Beroeans, Plin. 5, 23, 19, § 82.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary


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