Lewis Short

(adjective) : Attălus, i, m., = Ἄτταλος.
* The name of several kings of Pergamos, the most renowned of whom, both from his wealth and his discovery of the art of weaving cloth from gold, was Attalus III., who made the Roman people his heir, Plin. 8, 48, 74, § 196; 33, 11, 53, § 148; Flor. 2, 20, 2; 3, 12, 3; Hor. C. 2, 18, 5.—Hence
* Attălĭcus, a, um, , of or pertaining to Attalus, Attalian: urbes,i. e. Pergamean,Hor. Ep. 1, 11, 5: Attalicas supera vestes,woven with gold,Prop. 4, 17, 19: Porticus aulaeis nobilis Attalicis,id. 3, 30, 12; Sil. 14, 659.—Also absol.: Attălĭca, ōrum, n. (sc. vestimenta), garments of inwoven gold: Aurum intexere in eādem Asiā invenit Attalus rex, unde nomen Attalicis,Plin. 8, 48, 74, § 196: torus, ornamented with such cloth or tapestry, Prop. 3, 5, 6; 5, 5, 24.—Meton., rich, splendid, brilliant: Attalicis condicionibus Numquam dimoveas, etc.,Hor. C. 1, 1, 12: divitiae,Tert. Jejun. 15 fin.
* A general of Alexander the Great, Curt. 4, 13.
* A Macedonian, enemy of Alexander, Curt. 6, 9.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary


Male Personal name
Confirmed occurences in the Roman Empire:
  • Antonius Attalus (Masc), ref: Philostr. vitae soph. 2, 25, 2 | PIR ID1571
  • Attalus (Masc), ref: PIR A 1326 | PIR ID2241
  • Attalus (Masc), ref: PIR A 1327 | PIR ID2242
  • Attalus (Masc), ref: PIR A 1328 | PIR ID2243
  • Claudius Attalus (Masc, senator), ref: AE 1954, 44 | PIR ID4190
  • L. Claudius Attalus Ti. Claudius Attalus (Masc, senator), ref: PIR C 0796 | PIR ID4191
  • L. Claudius Attalus Ti. Claudius Attalus (Masc, senator), ref: PIR C 0796 | PIR ID4191
  • Ti. Claudius Attalus (Masc, senator), ref: PIR C 0798 | PIR ID4192
  • Tib. Claudius Attalus (Masc, senator), ref: PIR C 0799 | PIR ID4193
  • P. Claudius Attalus (Masc), ref: PIR C 0797 | PIR ID4194
  • Claudius Attalus Ti. Claudius Attalus Paterculianus (Masc, senator), ref: PIR C 0795 | PIR ID4195
  • Claudius Attalus Ti. Claudius Attalus Paterculianus (Masc, senator), ref: PIR C 0795 | PIR ID4195
  • Ti. Claudius Attalus Paterclianus (Masc, senator), ref: SEG 44, 1008 | PIR ID4196
  • C. Claudius Attalus Paterculianus (Masc, senator), ref: PIR C 0800 | PIR ID4197
  • Tib. Claudius Aurelius Attalus (Masc, senator), ref: PIR C 0807 | PIR ID4202
  • Claudius Flavius Antonius Attalus Perigenes (Masc), ref: PIR C 0871 | PIR ID4292
  • Iulius Antius Quadratus Attalus (Masc), ref: SEG 36, 1094 + nota PIR2 vol. VII 1 p. 4 | PIR ID7319
  • Menyllius Attalus (Masc, senator), ref: PIR M 0499 | PIR ID9175
  • Statilius Attalus (Masc), ref: AE 1955 sub 275 | PIR ID12626
  • M. Aurelius Attalus (Masc), ref: AE 2006, 1526 = SEG 56, 1792 | PIR ID14913
Prosopographia Imperii Romani


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