Lewis Short

(adjective) : Ātrax, ăcis, = Ἄτραξ.
* Masc., a river in Aetolia, Plin. 4, 2, 3, § 6.
* Derivv.
* Fem., a town in Thessaly, on the Peneus, now Sidhiro-peliko, Plin. 4, 8, 15, § 29; Liv. 32, 15; 36, 10.
* Ātrā-cĭus, a, um, , of Atrax, Atracian: oris,Prop. 1, 8, 25 (Müll., Antariis).
* Derivv.
* Ātră-cĭus, a, um, Atracian, poet. for Thessalian: ars,i. e. magic art, which the Thessalians practised much,Stat. Th. 1, 105: venenum,Val. Fl. 6, 447.
* (A patronymic instead of a gentile nom.; cf. Loers ad Ov. H. 17, 248.) Ātrăcĭdes, ae, m., the Thessalian Coeneus, Ov. M. 12, 209.
* Ātră-cis, ĭdis, f., the Thessalian woman, Hippodamia, Ov. Am. 1, 4, 8; id. H. 17, 248; called also Ātrăcĭa virgo in Val. Fl. 1, 141.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary


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