Lewis Short
(adj.adv.) : Āsĭānus, a, um, adj., = Ἀσιανός.
* Asiatic, belonging to the Roman province ofAsia: res,Liv. 31, 2.—Hence, subst.: Āsĭāni,ōrum, m., the inhabitants of the province of Asia, Cic. Att. 1, 17, 9; Plin. 21, 26, 98, § 171; Vulg. Act. 20, 4.
* In rhet.: Āsĭāni, orators who employ a peculiarly bombastic or redundant style (cf. Asiaticus, II.), Quint. 8 prooem. 17; 12, 10, 1; 12, 12, 16.—Hence, adv.: Āsĭānē, in the Asiatic style: loqui,Quint. 12, 10, 17.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary