Lewis Short
Adōnis (noun M) : Ἄδωνις and Ἄδων (nom. Adon, Venant. Carm. 7, 12 and 18;
* Gen. Adonis, Plin. 19, 4, 19, § 49; dat. Adonidi, Cic. N. D. 3, 23; acc. Adonidem, Claud. Nupt. Hon. et Mar. 16: Adonim,Prop. 3, 5, 37, acc. to Müller, Adonem: Adonem,Serv. ad Verg. E. 10, 18; Arnob. 4, p. 184; voc. Adoni, Ov. Met. 10, 542; abl. Adone, App. M. 8, p. 213).
* A son of Cinyras, king of Cyprus, beloved by Venus on account of his extraordinary beauty; he was torn in pieces in the chase by a wild boar, which Mars (acc. to some, Diana) sent against him out of jealousy, but was changed by Venus to a flower, which bore the name Adonium, and was yearly bewailed by her on the anniversary of his death, Ov. M. 10, 503 sq.; Macr. S. 1, 21; Serv. ad Verg. E. 8, 37; cf. with 10, 18, and Adonia: Adonis horti, Gr. κῆποι Ἀδώνιδος, pots of lettuce and other plants, which blossom quick, but wither as soon, Plin. 19, 4, 19, § 49; cf. Böttig. Sab. 1, 264.
* A name of the Sun-god among the Assyrians and Phoenicians, Macr. S. 1, 21.
* A name of a fish, i. q. exocoetus, Plin. 9, 19, 34, § 70.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary