Proper name
- ACESTO'RIDES (Ἀκεστορίδης), a Corinthian, was made supreme commander by the Syracusans in b. c. 317, and banished Agathocles from the city. (Diod. xix. 5.) (Wikisource | public domain)
- ACESTO'RIDES wrote four books of mythical stories relating to every city (τῶν κατὰ πόλιν μυθικῶν). In these he gave many real historical accounts, as well as those which were merely mythical, but he entitled them μυθικὰ to avoid calumny and to indicate the pleasant nature of the work. It was compiled from Conon, Apollodorus, Protagoras and others. (Phot. Bibl. cod. 189; Tzetz. Chil. vii. 144.) (Wikisource | public domain)
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (ed. William Smith 1870), Wikisource | public domain