Proper name: ABU'RIA GENS, plebeian. On the coins of this gens we find the cognomen Gem., which is perhaps an abbreviation of Geminus. The coins have no heads of persons on them. 1. C. Aburius was one of the ambassadors sent to Masinissa and the Carthaginians, b. c. 171. (Liv. xlii. 35.) 2. M. Aburius, tribune of the plebs, b. c. 187, opposed M. Fulvius the proconsul in his petition for a triumph, but withdrew his opposition chiefly through the influence of his colleague Ti. Gracchus. (Liv. xxxix. 4. 5.) He was praetor peregrinus, b. c. 176. (Liv. xli. 18. 19.) (Wikisource | public domain)
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (ed. William Smith 1870), Wikisource | public domain