


ένος (ὁ) [ῠ] membrane, pellicule qui enveloppe les organes du corps, ARSTT. H.A. 1, 16 ; particul. qui enveloppe le cœur, ARSTT. H.A. 3, 13, 2 ; ou les intestins, ARSTT. P.A. 3, 11, 1, etc. ; ὑγρός, EL. N.A. 14, 26, le grand cartilage de certains poissons ; de même, en parl. d’oiseaux, ARSTT. P.A. 2, 13, 1 ; en parl. des ailes des insectes, ARSTT. P.A. 4, 6, 5, etc. ; en parl. de plantes, pellicule qui enveloppe la graine, TH. H.P. 1, 11, 2.

Étym. indo-europ. *siuH-mn-, fil, tendon ; cf. lat. suō.

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ένος, ὁ, thin skin, membrane, caul, of those which enclose the brain and heart, Arist. HA 494b29, 519b4, al. ; the foetus, ib. 586a20, Sor. 1.57, Porph. Gaur. 10.3; the bowels, Arist. PA 673b4; the eye, Sor. 1.103, Gal. UP 10.7, 9; ὑ. περικάρδιος the pericardium, ὑ. περιτόναιος the peritoneum, Poll. 2.217, 224; ὑ. ὑγρός the large dorsal sinew of cartilaginous fish, Ael. NA 14.26; the membrana nictitans of birds, Arist. PA 657a30; the wing of insects, ib. 682b18.
capsule or seed-vessel of plants, Thphr. HP 1.11.2, Gp. 5.2.11; ὁ ἔξωθεν ὑ., opp. ἡ ἔνδοθεν σάρξ, of a date, Sor. 2.13.
thin plate of metal, Ph. 1.503, Ath. 6.230d.
parchment, Aristeas 176, J. AJ 12.2.11 (pl.). in Eub 67.5 Pors. restored ὕφεσιν for ὑμέσιν. [υ A.R. 4.1648.]
Liddell-Scott-Jones, Greek-English Lexicon (9th ed., 1940)


ένος, ὁ (s. Ὑμήν), wie ὑμέναιος, der Hochzeitsgesang.
[υ bei den griechischen Dichtern immer lang].
Pape, Griechisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch (3. Aufl., 1914)


ένος, ὁ, Haut, Häutchen ; Arist. H.A. 3.13 u. bes. Med., z.B. περικάρδιος, Herzbeutel, ὁ περιτόναιος, das Bauchfell, ὑμὴν ὑγρός, die große Rückensehne der Knorpelfische, Ael. H.A. 14.21. – Uebh. Hülle, Gewand, Decke, Sp.
Pape, Griechisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch (3. Aufl., 1914)
See also: Ὑμήν