


Proper name: Odatis (Ὀδάτις), daughter of Omartes, a Scythian king. According to a story recorded by Chares of Mytilene (ap. Ath. xiii. p. 575), Odatis and Zariadres (king of the country between the Caspian gates and the Tanäis) fell mutually in love from the sight of one another's image in a dream. But Omartes, having no son, wished his daughter to marry one of his own relatives or near friends. He therefore summoned them all to a banquet, whereat he desired Odatis to fill a cup with wine, and present it to whomsoever she chose for her husband. Meanwhile, however, Zariadres had received notice from her of her father's intentions, and, being engaged in a military expedition near the banks of the Tanäis, he set out with only one attendant, and, having travelled a distance of 800 stadia, arrived in the banquet-hall of Omartes, disguised in a Scythian dress, just as Odatis, reluctantly and in tears, was mixing the wine at the board where the goblets stood. Advancing close to her side, he whispered, ' Odatis, I am here at thy desire, I, Zariadres.' Looking up, she recognised with joy the beautiful youth of her dream, and placed the cup in his hands. Immediately he seized and bore her off to his chariot ; and so the lovers escaped, favoured by the sympathising attendants of the palace, who, when Omartes ordered them to pursue the fugitives, professed ignorance of the way they had taken. This love story, we are told, was most popular in Asia, and a favourite subject for paintings ; and Odatis was a prevalent female name in noble families. (Wikisource | public domain)
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (ed. William Smith 1870), Wikisource | public domain


Lexicon of Greek Personal Names