οῦ (ὁ) [ῠ] grand bruit, bruit retentissant, en parl. du cours du Scamandre, IL. 21, 256 ; du bruit d’une troupe, IL. 17, 741, etc. ; HÉS. Sc. 401 ; du bruit de la mer, SIM. (PLUT. M. 602 c), etc.
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ὁ, loud noise, din, as of a throng of men fighting, working, or running about, freq. in Hom. (esp. in Il., 17.424, al.), cf. Hes. Sc. 232, 401 ; also of men and dogs, Il. 10.185; of horses and men, 17.741; not used of voices, but only of inarticulate sounds ; hence also δρυτόμων ὀ.
the sound of wood-cutters, 16.633 ; ὀρυμαγδὸν ἔθηκε, of the rattling made by throwing a load of wood on the ground, Od. 9.235, cf. Il. 21.313 ; of the roar of a raging river, ῥέων μεγάλῳ ὀρυμαγδῷ ib. 256 ; of the sea, Simon. 51 ; of oars, A.R. 4.105.
Liddell-Scott-Jones, Greek-English Lexicon (9th ed., 1940)
ὁ (vgl. ὠρύω u. ἀράσσω), Geräusch, Lärm, bes. das verworrene Getöse versammelter Heere od. der Kämpfenden ; πολὺς δ' ὀρυμαγδὸς ὀρώρει, Il. 2.810 ; oft von den in die Schlacht Ziehenden ; πολὺς δ' ὀρυμαγδὸς ἐπ' αὐτῷ ἀνδρῶν ἠδὲ κυνῶν, 10.185 ; δρυτόμων ἀνδρῶν, 16.633 ; vom rauschenden Flusse, ῥέων ἕπετο μεγάλῳ ὀρυμαγδῷ, 21.256, vgl. 313 ; von dem Getöse, welches der Kyklop macht, indem er das Bündel Holz hinwirft, Od. 9.235 ; Hes. Sc. 401.
Pape, Griechisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch (3. Aufl., 1914)