


οῦ (ὁ) [ᾰ]
   I nombril, IL. 4, 525, etc. ; HDT. 7, 60 ; XÉN. An. 4, 5, 2 ; PLAT. Leg. 925 a, etc. ;
   II p. anal. :
      1 partie bombée ou bosse, qqf. terminée en pointe, au centre extérieur d’un bouclier, IL. 13, 192 ;
      2 partie cintrée où s’attachent les traits au milieu du timon, IL. 24, 273 ;
      3 bouton servant à fixer un volume roulé, ANTH. 9, 540 ; LUC. M. cond. 41, Ind. 7 ;
      4 ombilique, sorte de renfoncement au sommet ou à la base d’un fruit, ARSTT. Probl. 12, 7 ; TH. H.P. 3, 7, 5 ; GEOP. 10, 56, 2 ;
      5 plus souv. point central, centre, milieu, OD. 1, 50 ; particul. centre de la terre, en parl. de Delphes, PD. P. 4, 74 ; 6, 3, etc. ; N. 7, 33 ; ESCHL. Eum. 166, etc. ; SOPH. O.R. 898 ; EUR. Med. 668, centre d’une armée, POLL. 1, 126, ASCLÉPIOD. EL. TACT.

Étym. indo-europ. *h₃enbh-, *h₃mbh-, *h₃nebh-, nombril ; cf. lat. umbilīcus, umbō ; sscr. nā́bhi-, angl. navel.

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ὁ, navel, Il. 4.525, 13.568, Hdt. 7.60, etc.
umbilical cord, Hp. Superf. 8, Oct. 10, Sor. 1.57, Gal. 15.387.
anything like a navel, knob or boss, Il. 11.34 ; esp. in middle of shield, 13.192, etc.
button or knob in the middle of a yoke, 24.273.
plug or valve closing outlet of bath, Timarch. ap. Ath. 11.501f ; cf. βαλανειόμφαλος. pl., knobs at ends of stick round which books wererolled, Luc. Merc. Cond. 41, Ind. 7, 16, AP 9.540.
centre or middle point ; νήσῳ ἐν ἀμφιρύτῃ, ὅθι τ’ ὀ. ἐστι θαλάσσης Od. 1.50 (only here in Od.) ; later Delphi (or rather a round stone in the Delphic temple) was called ὀ. as marking the middle point of Earth, Pi. P. 4.74, B. 4.4, A. Eu. 40, 166 (lyr.), cf. Pl. R. 427c, Str. 9.3.6, Paus. 10.16.3 ; also of an altar at Megara, Simon. 107.9 (= IG 7.53) ; ἄστεος ὀ., at Athens, Pi. Fr. 75.3 ; νήσου ὀ., of Enna in Sicily, v.l. in Call. Cer. 15, cf. Cic. Verr. 4.48.106.
central part of a rose, containing the seed-vessel, Arist. Pr. 907a20 ; of a pomegranate, Hp. Nat. Mul. 44, Gal. 12.649 ; knob on an oak-gall, Thphr. HP 3.7.5 ; button-shaped stalk of the fig, Gp. 10.56.2.
centre of an army, Poll. 1.126 ; prop. the point at which an army is divided into two wings, Ascl.Tact. 2.6, cf. Arr. Tact. 8.4, Ael. Tact. 7.3.
keystone of an arched vault, Arist. Mu. 399b30.
vault, tomb, MAMA 3.402, 712 (Corycus). γῆς ὀ., = κοτυληδών, navel-wort, Cotyledon Umbilicus, Ps.-Dsc. 4.91. (Cf. Lat. umbilicus, umbo, prob. from ombh- ; Skt. nābhis, OE. nafel ΄navel΄, apptly. from ombh-.)
Liddell-Scott-Jones, Greek-English Lexicon (9th ed., 1940)


ὁ (vgl. ἄμβων, umbo, umbilicus ; die Ableitung der Alten von ἀμπνέω, weil die Frucht im Mutterleibe durch die Nabelschnur atme, ist falsch ; auch die von ὄμπνη, s. Schol. Nic. Al. 7.348, ist unwahrscheinlich), der Nabel ; Il. 4.425 u. öfter, αἰδοίων μεσσηγὺ καὶ ὀμφαλοῦ 13.568 ; Folgde : τοὐμφαλοῦ ὑπένερθε ἀλείψασθαι, Ar. Nub. 964 ; Her. 7.60 ; βρεχόμενοι πρὸς τὸν ὀμφαλόν, Xen. An. 4.5.2 ; Plat. erkl. κατὰ μέσην τὴν γαστέρα, ὃ δὴ τὸν ὀμφαλὸν καλοῦσι, Symp. 190e.
Alles Nabelförmige,
   a) der nabelförmig erhabene Teil in der Mitte des Schildes, der Schildbuckel (vgl. ὀμφαλόεις), ἀσπίδος ὀμφαλόν, Il. 13.192, von Zinn, 11.34.
   b) am Joch der Pferde buckelartige Erhöhungen, Knöpfe, zur Befestigung der Leinen, Il. 24.273.
   c) der nabelförmige Mittelpunkt, immer mit dem Nebenbegriff einer Erhöhung, ὅθι τ' ὀμφαλός ἐστι θαλάσσης, Od. 1.50, von einer Insel, die in der Mitte des Meeres hervorragt. Der Nabel od. Mittelpunkt der Erde heißt von Pind. an gew. Delphi, od. eigtl. ein steinerner Sitz im delphischen Heiligtum, πὰρ μεσον ὀμφαλὸν εὐδένδροιο ματέρος P. 4.74, ὀμφαλὸν χθονὸς ἀένναον προσοιχόμενοι 6.3, ἰόντι γᾶς ὀμφαλὸν παρ' ἀοίδιμον 8.62, vgl. 11.10, N. 7.33 ; so auch Aesch. Eum. 40, 159, we Soph. οὐκέτι τὸν ἄθικτον εἶμιγᾶς ἐπ' ὀμφαλὸν σέβων, O.R. 898 ; ὀμφαλὸν γῆς θεσπεσιῳδόν, Eur. Med. 668, vgl. Ion 5, 223 ; ἐν μέσῳ τῆς γῆς ἐπὶ τοῦ ὀμφαλοῦ καθήμενος, Plat. Rep. IV.427c.
   d) bei Büchern, Buckel ; Luc. Merc.cond. 41 ; DL. 9.61.
   e) der Stiel, an welchem die Feige sitzt, Geop.; vgl. Arist. Probl. 12.7 ; auch von anderen Früchten.
Pape, Griechisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch (3. Aufl., 1914)


1. the navel , Lat. umbilicus, (Iliad by Homer), etc.
2. anything central (like a navel) :
3. the knob or boss in the middle of the shield, Lat. umbo, (Iliad by Homer)
4. a button or knob on the horse's yoke to fasten the reins to, (Iliad by Homer)
5. in plural the knobs at each end of the stick round which books were rolled , Lat. umbilici, (Lucian)
6. the centre or middle point , as the island of Calypso is the ὀμφαλός of the sea, (Odyssey by Homer); and Delphi (or rather a round stone in the Delphic temple) was called ὀμφαλός as marking the middle point of Earth , (Pindar), etc. (ML)
Translators Brief lexicon of Extended Strongs for Greek based on Abbot-Smith, A Manual Greek Lexicon of the New Testament (1922) (=AS), with corrections and adapted by Tyndale Scholars