


οῦ (ὁ) :
division, distribution, DYSC. Synt. 91, 1 ;
      2 énumération détaillée, CHŒROB. (Bkk. 1340).

Étym. ἐπιμερίζω.

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ὁ, distribution, Hsch. s.v. ἐπινέμησις ; esp. in Gramm., προσώπων A.D. Synt. 96.1; ἐθνικῶν ib. 192.10; abs., division of a sentence into words (< μέρη λόγου), parsing, ib. 340.17.
Astrol., assignment, Vett.Val. 97.9, Critodem. in Cat.Cod.Astr. 8(3).102.4.
ἐ. τῶν ἀπόρων allocation of irrecoverable contributions to wealthier taxpayers, PFay. 53.5 (ii AD), cf. PAmh. 2.96.8 (pl., iii AD), etc.
as title of gramm. works; ἐπιμερισμοὶ τῆς Α Ἰλιάδος parsings of words in Il. 1, An. Par. 3.294; ἐ. Ὁμήρου κατὰ ἀλφάβητον parsings arranged alphabetically, An.Ox. 1.1; but ἐ. κατὰ ἀλφ. τοῦ Ἡρωδιανοῦ alphabetical arrangements of (not `by΄) Herodian, title of a spelling-list, Hdn. Epim. 1, 157; later still ἐ. τῶν ἐννέα μέτρων analysis, digest, Trichas in Heph. p. 365C. ; the nature of the lost Ἐπιμερισμοί of Hdn. (EM 779.27, Sch. Il. 4.66) is conjectural.
Liddell-Scott-Jones, Greek-English Lexicon (9th ed., 1940)


ὁ, das teilweise Hinzusetzen, Aufzählen, Rhetor.
Pape, Griechisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch (3. Aufl., 1914)