


Ἀντι·γόνη, ης (ἡ) Antigonè (Antigone) :
      1 fille d’Œdipe, ESCHL. Sept. 862 ; LUC. Salt. 43 ; titre d’une pièce de Sophocle ;
      2 fille de Cassandre, fils d’Antipater, THCR. Idyl. 17, 61 ;
      3 fille de Bérénice, PLUT. Pyrrh. 4 ;
      4 autres, PLUT. Alex. 48, etc.

Voc. -η, SOPH. O.C. 311 ; gén. dor. -ας, THCR. Idyl. l. c.

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Proper name
  • ANTI′GONE (Ἀντιγόνη) 1. A daughter of Oedipus by his mother Jocaste. She had two brothers, Eteocles and Polyneices, and a sister Ismene. In the tragic story of Oedipus Antigone appears as a noble maiden, with a truly heroic attachment to her father and brothers. When Oedipus, in despair at the fate which had driven him to murder his father, and commit incest with his mother, had put out his eyes, and was obliged to quit Thebes, he went to Attica guided and accompanied by his attached daughter Antigone. (Apollod. iii. 5. §8, &c.) She remained with him till he died in Colonus, and then returned to Thebes. Haemon, the son of Creon, had, according to Apollodorus, died before this time; but Sophocles, to suit his own tragic purposes, represents him as alive and falling in love with Antigone. When Polyneices, subsequently, who had been expelled by his brother Eteocles, marched against Thebes (in the war of the Seven), and the two brothers had fallen in single combat, Creon, who now succeeded to the throne, issued an edict forbidding, under heavy penalties, the burial of their bodies. While every one else submitted to this impious command, Antigone alone defied the tyrant, and buried the body of Polyneices. According to Apollodorus (iii. 7. §1), Creon had her buried alive in the same tomb with her brother. According to Sophocles, she was shut up in a subterraneous cave, where she killed herself, and Haemon, on hearing of her death, killed himself by her side; so that Creon too received his punishment. A different account of Antigone is given by Hyginus. (Fab. 72.) Aeschylus and Sophocles made the story of Antigone the subject of tragedies, and that of the latter, one of the most beautiful of ancient dramas, is still extant. Antigone acts a part in other extant dramas also, as in the Seven against Thebes of Aeschylus, in the Oedipus in Colonus of Sophocles, and in the Phoenissae of Euripides. 2. A daughter of Eurytion of Phthia, and wife of Peleus, by whom she became the mother of Polydora. When Peleus had killed Eurytion during the chace, and fled to Acastus at Iolcus, he drew upon himself the hatred of Astydameia, the wife of Acastus. [Acastus.] In consequence of this, she sent a calumniatory message to Antigone, stating, that Peleus was on the point of marrying Sterope, a daughter of Acastus. Hereupon Antigone hung herself in despair. (Apollod. iii. 13. §1–3.) 3. A daughter of Laomedon and sister of Priam. She boasted of excelling Hera in the beauty of her hair, and was punished for her presumptuous vanity by being changed into a stork. (Ov. Met. vi. 93.) 4. A daughter of Pheres, married to Pyremus or Cometes, by whom she became the mother of the Argonaut Asterion. (Apollon. Rhod. i. 35; Orph. Arg. 161; Hygin. Fab. 14.) (Wikisource | public domain)
  • ANTI′GONE (Ἀντιγόνη), the daughter of Cassander (the brother of Antipater), was the second wife of Ptolemy Lagus, and the mother of Berenice, who married first the Macedonian Philip, son of Amyntas, and then Ptolemy Soter. (Droysen, Gesch. d. Nachfolger Alexanders, p. 418, &c., and Tab. viii. 3.) 2. The daughter of Berenice by her first husband Philip, and the wife of Pyrrhus. (Plut. Pyrrh. 4.) (Wikisource | public domain)
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (ed. William Smith 1870), Wikisource | public domain


Lexicon of Greek Personal Names