


ου (ὁ) Anaxandridès (Anaxandride) :
      1 roi lacédémonien, HDT. 1, 67, etc. ;
      2 poète de la moyenne comédie.

Gén. ion. -εω, HDT. l. c.

Étym. patr. de Ἀνάξανδρος.

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Proper name
  • ANAXA′NDRIDES (Ἀναξανδρίδης). 1. Son of Theopompus, the 9th Eurypontid king of Sparta; himself never reigned, but by the accession of Leotychides became from the seventh generation the father of the kings of Sparta of that branch. (See for bis descendants in the interval Clinton's Fasti, ii. p. 204, and Herod, viii. 131.) 2. King of Sparta, 15th of the Agids, son of Leon, reigned from about 560 to 520 B. C. At the time when Croesus sent his embassy to form alliance with 'the mightiest of the Greeks,' i. e. about 554, the war with Tegea, which in the late reigns went against them, had now been decided in the Spartans' favour, under Anaxandrides and Ariston. Under them, too, was mainly carried on the suppression of the tyrannies, and with it the establishment of the Spartan hegemony. Having a barren wife whom he would not divorce, the ephors, we are told, made him take with her a second. By her he had Cleomenes; and after this, by his first wife Dorieus, Leonidas, and Cleombrotus. (Herod, i. 65–69, v. 39–41; Paus. iii. 3.) Several sayings are ascribed to him in Plut. Apophth. Lac. (where the old reading is Alexandridas). With the reign of Anaxandrides and Ariston commences the period of certain dates, the chronology of their predecessors being doubtful and the accounts in many ways suspicious; the only certain point being the coincidence of Polydorus and Theopompus with the first Messenian war, which itself cannot be fixed with certainty. (See for all this period Clinton's Fasti, i. app. 2 and 6, ii. p. 205, and Müller's Dorians, bk. i. c. 7.) (Wikisource | public domain)
  • ANAXA′NDRIDES (Ἀναξανδρίδης), of Delphi, a Greek writer, probably the same as Alexandrides. [Alexandrides, and Plut. Quaest. Graec. c. 9.] (Wikisource | public domain)
  • ANAXA′NDRIDES (Ἀναξανδρίδης), an Athenian comic poet of the middle comedy, was the son of Anaxander, a native of Cameirus in Rhodes. He began to exhibit comedies in B. C. 376 (Marm. Par. Ep. 34), and 29 years later he was present, and probably exhibited, at the Olympic games celebrated by Philip at Dium. Aristotle held him in high esteem. (Rhet. iii. 10—12; Eth. Eud. vi. 10; Nicom. vii. 10.) He is said to have been the first poet who made love intrigues a prominent part of comedy. He gained ten prizes, the whole number of his comedies being sixty-five. Though he is said to have destroyed several of his plays in anger at their rejection, we still have the titles of thirty-three. Anaxandrides was also a dithyrambic poet, but we have no remains of his dithyrambs. (Suidas, s. v.; Athen. ix, p. 374; Meineke; Bode.) (Wikisource | public domain)
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (ed. William Smith 1870), Wikisource | public domain


Lexicon of Greek Personal Names