


ἀρχέ·τυπος, ος, ον [ῠ] qui est le modèle, type primitif d’une chose, LUC. Im. 10 ; PHIL. 1, 5, etc. ; τὸ ἀρχέτυπον, modèle primitif, original d’une chose, p. opp. à τὸ ἀπόγραφον, DH. Is. c. 11 ; cf. CIC. Att. 12, 5 ; 16, 3 ; PLUT. M. 890 b, etc. ; LUC. Pr. 3 ; particul. portrait original, A. PL. 151.

 Cp. -ώτερος, PLOT. Enn. 6, 8, p. 749 c.

Étym. ἄρχω, τύπος.

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ον, first-moulded as a pattern or model, archetypal, σφραγίς, παράδειγμα, Ph. 1.5, al. ; Comp. -ώτερος Plot. 6.8.14; exemplary, ideal, μαῖα Sor. 1.4.
Astrol., ἀ. κλῆρος, = κλῆρος τύχης, Serapio in Cat.Cod.Astr. 8(4).226, Vett.Val. 67.3.
ἀρχέτυπον, τό, archetype, pattern, model, opp. ἀπόγραφον, D.H. Is. 11, cf. APl. 4.204 ([Simon]), Cic. Att. 16.3.1; Philos., Plot. 5.1.4, Procl. in R. 2.296 K. ; figure on a seal, Luc. Alex. 21; ἀ. Διδοῦς a portrait of Dido as she really was, APl. 4.151; δαίδαλον ἀ. IG 14.1188; of the nominative case, Stoic. 2.48.
Liddell-Scott-Jones, Greek-English Lexicon (9th ed., 1940)


eigtl. zuerst geprägt, τὸ ἀρχέτυπον, das Urbild, Original, Arist.; Cic. Att. 12.5, 16.3. Bei Luc. Alex. 21, das Urbild des Siegels ; vgl. Lucill. 83 (XI.253); übh. Bild, Ep.adesp. 307 (Plan. 151).
Pape, Griechisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch (3. Aufl., 1914)