ἀνα·σκιρτάω-ῶ :
1 bondir, PLUT. Crass. 25 ; LUC. As. 40 ; fig. exulter, être transporté de joie, DS. 19, 55 ;
2 bondir en arrière, EL. N.A. 12, 29 ;
Moy. bondir, EUP. 22 Kock.
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leap, skip with joy, D.S. 19.55; but of wounded horses, ὑπ’ ὀδύνης Plu. Crass. 25; ἀνεσκιρτηκότες τὴν ὄψιν, of athletes, Philostr. Gym. 39; pf. part. Pass. ἀνεσκιρτημένος Eup. 22.
Liddell-Scott-Jones, Greek-English Lexicon (9th ed., 1940)
aufhüpfen, springen ; zurückspringen, Ael. H.A. 12.29 ; – ἀνεσκιρτημέναι, von Ziegen, Eupol. B.A. 16.
Pape, Griechisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch (3. Aufl., 1914)