


ἀ·κοινώνητος, ος, ον :
qui n’est pas mis en commun, non partagé, EUR. Andr. 470 ; DS. 20, 106 ; PLUT. Pel. c. Marc. 2, etc. ;
      2 qui ne peut être partagé, SPT. Sap. 14, 21 ; PLUT. Lyc. 15 ;
      3 qui ne participe pas à, qui n’a pas sa part de, gén. PLAT. Leg. 914 c ; dat. ARSTT. Top. 3, 2, 8 ;
      4 qui ne se mêle pas aux autres, qui demeure à l’écart, insociable, PLAT. Leg. 774 a ; d’où rude, arrogant, CIC. Att. 6, 3, 7 ; en parl. de choses, peu libéral, peu généreux, joint à ἀνελεύθερος, PLUT. M. 642 f.

 Cp. -ότερος, ARSTT. l. c.

Dor. -ατος [ᾱ] T. LOCR. 98.

Étym. ἀ, κοινωνέω.

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ον, not shared with, γάμοις ἀκοινώνητον εὐνάν bed not shared in common with other wives, E. Andr. 470.
not to be communicated, ὄνομα LXX Wi. 14.21; not to be shared, incommunicable, Ph. 2.201; τὸ ἴδιον καὶ ἀ. Alex.Aphr. Pr. 2.72. Act., having no share of or in, c. gen., νόμων Pl. Lg. 914c, cf. Inscr.Prien. 114, D.S. 20.15; τὸ ἀ. τῶν ἄρθρων absence of anything in common with the article, A.D. Synt. 49.12; also c. dat., τὸ τοῖς κακοῖς ἀκοινωνητότερον Arist. Top. 117b31; abs., unsocial, Pl. Lg. 774a; inhuman, Cic. Att. 6.3.7.
Adv. -τως cj. ib. 6.1.7, Jul. Ep. 89.292d.
Liddell-Scott-Jones, Greek-English Lexicon (9th ed., 1940)


1) nicht Teil habend, νόμων Plat. Legg. XI.914c ; συνουσίας VI. 768b.
2) ungesellig, Plat. Legg. VI.774a, wie Cic. Att. 6.3 ; Luc. mit μόνος verb., Vit. auct. 10 ; unfreundlich, Plut.; – τὸ τοῖς κακοῖς ἀκ., was sich nicht mit Schlechtem vereinigt, Arist. Top. 3.2, wie DS. 4.81 ; Ἄρτεμιν τοῖς γάμοις ἀκοινώνητον ; vgl. Eur. Andr. 469. – Nicht zum Gemeingut geeignet, neben τὰ ἄμικτα Plut. Lyc. 15.
• Adv. -τως, unfreundlich, neben arroganter, Cic. Att. VI.1.
Pape, Griechisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch (3. Aufl., 1914)


1. not shared with another, with dative, (Euripides)
2. active having no share of or in , with genitive, (Plato Philosophus): absolute unsocial, inhuman , (Plato Philosophus) (ML)
Translators Brief lexicon of Extended Strongs for Greek based on Abbot-Smith, A Manual Greek Lexicon of the New Testament (1922) (=AS), with corrections and adapted by Tyndale Scholars