


τρι·ώϐολον, ου (τὸ) pièce de monnaie de trois oboles, ATT. ; solde des soldats de marine, THC. 8, 45 ; XÉN. Hell. 1, 5, 7, etc., postér. des juges, AR. Eq. 51, 800, etc. et des membres de l’ἐκκλησία, à Athènes, AR. Eccl. 293, 308.

Dans les inscr. att. τριώϐολον, non τριόϐολον, sel. la règle des composés de ὀϐολός, dont la désinence est en -ον, CIA. 2, 675, 20 (commenc. du 4e siècle av. J.C.) ; v. Meisterh. p. 18, 8.

Étym. τρεῖς, ὀϐολός.

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Dor. τριώδελον, τό, (< ὀβολός) three-obol-piece, half-drachma, οὐκ ἄξιος τριωβόλου Nicopho 12, cf. Ar. Pl. 125; ὀψωνεῖν μέχρι τριωβόλου Eub. 88, etc. — At Athens, this was pay of the dicasts or jurymen for a day΄s sitting in court, Ar. Eq. 51, 800, etc.
pay given to the members of the ἐκκλησία whenever they chose to attend, first given about 392 BC, Id. Ec. 292, 308.
pay of the marine soldiery (ἐπιβάται), Th. 8.45, X. HG 1.5.7, etc.
a tax paid by μέτοικοι (or perh.
by freedment who became such), Men. 35.
a weight of three obols, Sor. 1.63.
Liddell-Scott-Jones, Greek-English Lexicon (9th ed., 1940)


τό, = τριώβολος.
Pape, Griechisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch (3. Aufl., 1914)