τρεῖς, τρία,
acc. c. le nom., n. de nombre trois, HOM. ATT.
etc. ; prov.
τρία ἔπεα, PD.
N. 7, 48, trois paroles,
càd. des paroles de bon augure (
le nombre trois étant considéré comme favorable).
➳ Dat. τριοῖσι, HIPPON. fr. 51. Éol. τρῆς, GRAMM.
Étym. indo-europ. *trei-es, trois ; cf. lat. trēs, tria ; sscr. tráyaḥ.
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οἱ, αἱ, τρία τά ; gen. τριῶν ; dat. τρισί, also τριοῖσι Hippon. 51, and τρίεσσι Delph.3(5).80.21 (iv BC); Aeol. τρίσσι Inscr.Perg. 245 B 18 (Pitana); acc. τρεῖς (written τρες IG1². 24.16, 44.15, 188.37, 1085, al.), τρία ; Dor. nom. τρέες Leg. Gort. 9.48; τρῆς IG 12(3).1640 (Thera); τρῖς SIG 236 A 10 (Delph., iv BC), Tab.Heracl. 1.23; acc. τρίινς Leg. Gort. 5.54, al. (for τρίνς, lengthd. to correspond with the other cases); τρῖς IG1². 838, 839 (vi BC), SIG 239 D ii 28 (Delph., iv BC), Berl.Sitzb. 1927.158 (Cyrene) : — three, Il. 15.187, etc. ; τρία ἔπεα three words, prov. in Pi. N. 7.48, — for from the earliest times three was a sacred and lucky number, esp. with the Pythagoreans (cf. τριάς), Arist. Cael. 268a11; so τῶν τριῶν μίαν λαβεῖν εὔσοιαν S. Fr. 122; εἰ καὶ τῶν τριῶν ἓν οἴσομαι ib. 908; cf. σωτήρ 1.2; — διὰ τριῶν ἀπόλλυμαι I am thrice, i.e.
utterly, undone, E. Or. 434 (cf. τριάζω)· ἡ διὰ τριῶν ἀγωγή the ΄trivium΄, Simp. in Ph. 1171.34; ἵνα δήσῃ τρία τρία by threes, POxy. 121.19 (iii AD). (I.-E. stem trĭ-, fuller form trey-, nom. tréy-es (Skt. tráyas, Lat. tres), whence τρέες, contr. τρῆς and τρεῖς (written τρες IG1². 295.11); acc. tri-ns (Goth. þrins, Skt. trī΄n), whence τρῖς and τρίινς· in Gr. the nom. τρεῖς functions as acc. (as in Att.), or the acc. τρῖς as nom. (ll. cc.).)
Liddell-Scott-Jones, Greek-English Lexicon (9th ed., 1940)
οἱ, αἱ, τρία, τά, gen. τριῶν, dat. τρισί, Hippon. frg. 8 auch τριοῖσι, – drei, Hom. u. Folgde. Die Drei galt von jeher als eine heilige, glückbringende Zahl, τρία ἔπεα Pind. N. 7.48, u. so oft.
Pape, Griechisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch (3. Aufl., 1914)