


ον, gén. ονος [ᾰ] tendre, facile à cuire, TH. H.P. 8, 8, 6 ; C.P. 3, 21, 3 ; 4, 12, 1, etc. ; PLUT. M. 701 d.

 Cp. -ονέστερος, TH. C.P. 5, 6, 12.

Étym. cf. τέρην.

Bailly 2020 Hugo Chávez Gérard Gréco, André Charbonnet, Mark De Wilde, Bernard Maréchal & contributeurs / Licence Creative Commons Attribution - Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale - Pas de Modification — « CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 »


ον, gen. ονος, (< τείρω, τέρην) becoming soft by boiling, of pulse, Thphr. HP 8.8.6, CP 4.12.1 sq., cf. Plu. 2.701d; Comp. -ονέστερος Thphr. CP 5.6.12; also of soil fit for such plants, ib. 4.12.3; of water, Phot.
Liddell-Scott-Jones, Greek-English Lexicon (9th ed., 1940)


ωνος or οντος, ὁ (?), = κάλαμος, Anacr. ap. Hilgard Excerpta ex libris Herodiani (Leipzig 1887) p. 21, Pl. Sph. ibid. ; v. Hermes 35.544. (Said to be declined as -ντ- stem by Anacr. l.c. (this stem mentioned also by Arc. 13), but –ων, -ωνος by Pl. l.c. ; not found in our text of Pl. Sph., but τεράμωσι (or perh. τεράμουσι) is to be restored in 221a for καλάμοις.)
Liddell-Scott-Jones, Greek-English Lexicon (9th ed., 1940)


gen. ονος, weich, zart, bes. was leicht weich kocht, von Hülsenfrüchten (verwandt mit τέρην), τεραμονέστερος, Theophr.
Pape, Griechisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch (3. Aufl., 1914)