ου (τὸ) [ῠ]A petite aile, POL.
27, 9, 4 ;B p. anal. : I t. d’hist. nat. : 1 nageoire de poisson, ARSTT.
H.A. 1, 5, 7, etc. ; p. anal. appendice semblable à une nageoire
chez certains crabes, ARSTT.
H.A. 4, 1, 7 ; extrémité de la queue
chez certains crustacés, ARSTT.
H.A. 1, 5, 10, etc. ; 2 aile du nez, GAL.
8, 591 ; 3 membrane qui se forme sur la cornée de l’œil, DIOSC.
1, 147, 151 ; GAL.
7, 322 ; 4 excroissance charnue sur les ongles, DIOSC.
5, 5, 122 ; II frange d’une étoffe, ARSTT.
Aud. 35 ; SPT.
Num. 15, 38 ; Ruth 3, 9 ; ou d’une cotte d’armes, DH.
Comp. p. 251 ; III pièce d’une machine de siège, POL.
27, 9, 4 ; particul. ailette, rebord, bords
ou lèvres d’une rainure, HÉRON ; glissières de la batterie d’une machine de jet, PHIL. BYZ. ;
IV pinacle d’un temple, NT.
Matth. 4, 5 ; Luc. 4, 9 ; JOS.
A.J. 15, 11, 5.
Étym. πτέρυξ.
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τό, Dim. of πτέρυξ, Arist. HA 615b30.
anything like a wing. in pl., fins of fish, ib. 489b24, 504b30, IA 714a11; of the tail-flaps of a lobster, Id. HA 490a3, cf. 525b27, PA 684a13, GA 720b12; of certain sea-slugs, Id. HA 532b22, 24; fins of the sepia and other cuttle-fish, πτερύγι’… σηπίας ὠπτημένα Sotad.Com. 1.16, cf. Alex. 187.3, Arist. HA 524a31, PA 685b16.
horns of the horned owl, Id. HA 597b22.
end or tip of the rudder, Poll. 1.90; of a pole, Hsch. in a building, turret or battlement, or (as others) pointed roof, peak, Ev. Luc. 4.9; cf. πτέρυξ II. 7.
flap, fold (cf. πτέρυξ II. 4), Arist. Aud. 802a39, LXX Nu. 15.38, Ru. 3.9, Poll. 7.62; flap of a cuirass, Aen.Tact. 31.8; π. κρανῶν IG2². 1424a. 399 (pl.). in the body, part of the shoulderblade, Poll. 2.177; of the ear, parts joining the temples, ib. 85, Hsch. ; of the nose, parts joining the cheeks, Poll. 2.80, Sor. 1.71, Gal. UP 11.12.
Medic., disease of the eye when a membrane grows over it from the inner corner, Hp. Prorrh. 2.20, Cels. 7.7.4, Dsc. 1.108, Gal. 7.732.
fleshy excrescence on the nails, Cels. 6.19.1, Dsc. 1.110, Paul.Aeg. 6.85. pl., = τοῦ πνεύμονος τοῦ λοβοῦ τὰ ἄκρα, Hsch.
pl., flanges holding the projector of a torsion-engine, Ph. Bel. 54.23; on a κέστρος II, Plb. 27.11.4.
Liddell-Scott-Jones, Greek-English Lexicon (9th ed., 1940)
τό, dim. von πτέρυξ, kleiner Flügel, Pol. 27.9.4. – Fischflosse, Arist. H.A. 1.5, 2.13. – Ein Fehler des Auges, wenn sich aus der Karunkel im innern Augenwinkel ein Fell über das Auge zieht ; – auch das lieberwachsen des Fleisches über die Nägel der Finger und Zehen, bes. der großen Zehe, Medic. – Wie πτερόν, ein Teil des Tempels, die Zinne, NT, Matth. 4.5 Luc. 4.9 ; Hesych. erklärt ἀκρωτήριον.
Pape, Griechisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch (3. Aufl., 1914)
πτερύγιον, -ου, -τό
(dimin. of πτέρυξ), [in LXX chiefly for כָּנָף ;]
__1. a little wing.
__2. Anything like a wing, as a turret, battlement: τ. ἱεροῦ, Mat.4:5, Luk.4:9.†
Translators Brief lexicon of Extended Strongs for Greek based on Abbot-Smith, A Manual Greek Lexicon of the New Testament (1922) (=AS), with corrections and adapted by Tyndale Scholars