προ·ϊστορέω-ῶ :
1 mentionner auparavant, ARSTT. Mund. 3, 12 ; POL. 1, 13, 9 ; DS. 11, 89 ;
2 s’informer auparavant, CLÉM. 564.
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make previous inquiry or research, Ph. Bel. 71.11, Attal. ap. Hipparch. 2.1.6, Marin. Procl. 24; προϊστορηκότες having heard of…, Sosyl. p. 32B.
relate by way of introduction, τὰς τῶν παλαιοτέρων δόξας Phlp. in Mete. 75.20. Pass., to be before mentioned, Arist. Mu. 393b13; τὰ προϊστορημένα Plb. 1.13.9, D.S. 11.89, J. BJ Praef. 5.
Liddell-Scott-Jones, Greek-English Lexicon (9th ed., 1940)
vorher fragen, erkundigen, erforschen, erzählen ; τὰ προϊστορημένα ἑτέροις, was von Andern früher erzählt ist, Pol. 1.13.9 ; Sp., wie DS
Pape, Griechisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch (3. Aufl., 1914)