


   I aller en expédition de fourrageurs, fourrager, piller, POL. 2, 27, 2 ;
   II tr. :
dévaster, piller, acc. DH. 8, 11 ; au pass. DS. 13, 109 ; fig. manger gloutonnement, dévorer, acc. PLUT. M. 709 a ;
      2 p. suite, emmener captif, SPT. Sir. 48, 15, etc.

Étym. προνομή.

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forage, plunder, Plb. 2.27.2, Str. 16.1.18, Onos. 10.8, Polyaen. 3.10.5; [προβοσκίδα] ἔχουσα π., of a fly, Luc. Musc. Enc. 3. trans., plunder, ravage, τὴν τῶν πολεμίων D.H. 8.11 (also in Pass., ibid., D.S. 13.109); pluck, ὄρμενα Posidipp. 24; eat greedily, τὰ δεῖπνα Plu. 2.709a.
carry away captive, LXX Nu. 31.9, al. ; — Pass., ib. Si. 48.15. (Rejected by Thom.Mag. p. 275 R.)
Liddell-Scott-Jones, Greek-English Lexicon (9th ed., 1940)


im Kriege auf Fouragierung ausgehen ; Posidipp. bei Phot. lex., ὅρμενα ; Pol. 2.27.2, u. öfter ; χώραν, durch Fouragieren ausplündern, Dion.Hal. 6.42 ; Polyaen. 3.10.5.
Pape, Griechisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch (3. Aufl., 1914)


to go out for foraging , [Polybius Historicus (Refs 2nd c.BC)] (ML)
Translators Brief lexicon of Extended Strongs for Greek based on Abbot-Smith, A Manual Greek Lexicon of the New Testament (1922) (=AS), with corrections and adapted by Tyndale Scholars